Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Zendikar Block is all about LAAAAND

Anyone who's been playing Magic recently knows that Wizards of the Coast has been giving Zendikar Block interesting amounts of land cards, seeing as the set's theme is Land. Landfall, animated lands, lands that get back in the kitchen and make sandwiches (That's right Magosi, no one likes you). But, alas, the spoilers for Rise of the Eldrazi, the third set in the block, has taken a turn for the worse. The count of land in the set is a whopping 22, but, here's the real 'Kicker' : 20 OF THEM ARE BASIC. That's right, only 2 land that are not basic lands are in this set. One being a Lol(el)Drazi land, the other being a Terramorphic Expanse 2.0. WOW COLORLESS FETCH, I'M SO IMPRESSED. Way to fail Wizards of the coast.

Was anyone waiting for a set of Painlands, or maybe Shocklands? Something relevent to the block? Landfall is completely nonexistent in this set, flipping everything to focus on casting Loldrazi spells on turn 7. This of course will never happen. Instant speed removal and mass removal already run rampant. Day of Judgement, Chain Reaction, Earthquake, Consume the Meek, yeah, there are 4 spells that can kill all of those silly little critters before you have time to pop and sac them for some big ugly creature with a face like the ass of a beggar in South America.

Who still uses Fetch?
Who still uses Man-Lands?
Who still uses Dual Lands?

All of the nonbasic lands from the previous six sets have been relevant to almost every other player out there, and yet wizards decides to stop being creative and print big fat creatures that will never see casting outside of EDH and casual play.
They even made a lot of them impossible to play in Legacy and Vintage because they don't even stay in the Graveyard.

I really am hoping this is not predecessor as Fifth Dawn was to Kamigawa. I'm excited for Scars of Mirroden. I don't want another set filled with useless crap that Mark Rosewater decided to allow print of.

Stop experimenting with Crap, Wizards, print known successful cards like dual lands and cards that follow the theme of the set. If we wanted silly fatties (I'm not bashing the timmys out there) we could go back to Ravnica and cast the 15 mana wurm with convoke.

Seriously Wizards,
Fail enough for ya?

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that this set stopped bothering Jund when it started looking more and more like a piece of crap. I also love how colored Eldrazi are Jund colors. Faildrazi got really dumb.

    I wanted new shock lands...
