Monday, April 12, 2010

Oh How I Miss Mana-Burn

Raise your hand high if you've ever been Mana-Screwed. Yes even you in the back, pansy little monocolored player. I jest. But it's true, monocolor, multicolor, even colorless, you still wind up Mana-Screwed at one point or another. You know this especially if you play the damn shard decks. "Hi, I'm that mountain you were looking for since turn 3. Lol I'm still 12 cards deep in your library SUCK IT BITCH.

Today's failure I'd like to dedicate to my asinine ability to think that keeping a 6 land hand with a Negate would be okay against Ionamorph.

Guess what?
Unless you want half an hour of nothing but MANA MANA MANA MANA MANA, dont keep that hand
If there was any time I hated the M10 rulings, It. Would. Be. Now.
I'mma um... tap out, float, and um, end my main step for 15 Mana Burn?
I had to sit there hitting nothing but lands, kills, and counter. I would have even loved a goddamn Calcite Snapper (I'm still playing Grixis).

I did hit a cruel when I was around 9 mana... but....

So obviously I wasn't very happy.

In order for me to win this game I had to cruel 2 more times
bolt all of his morph targets
as well as terminate
and quake for 15 for the win (I was at 17 Life)
Well, Earthquake is sorta like Manaburn I guess. But damn am I pissed off. The deck never shows me more than 8 land at FNM or Saturday but on a casual day against a deck I know I can beat I see enough to cast 2 cruel in one Main Phase. I LOVE MAGIC

Fail enough for ya?

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