Sunday, April 18, 2010


Alright now, after attending the Rise of the Eldrazi Pre-Release sealed tournament at my local game shop Game Table. By the way stop in there, support them, they are awesome . Anyway, to all of you who have played the Limited environment and are planning on playing next weekend, don't do what I did. Don't try to be cool and ramp to win. Play LOLDRAZI. Every game I lost I was crashing in with a Conquering Manticore after stealing their blocker, then they drop Umalog's Crusher or Hand of Emrakul, hell, someone even cast a freaking Emrakul the Impossible to Cast (Much to my surprise).

For those of you who want to see what NOT to play, here's my decklist:

Creatures: 15
2x Emrakul's Hatcher
2x Stalwart Shield-Bearers
2x Overgrown Battlement
1x Ogre Sentry
1x Ikiral Outrider
1x Knight of Cliffhaven
1x Joraga Treespeaker
1x Nest Invader
1x Conquering Manticore
1x Kaibra Vindicator
1x Spellbound Guardians
1x Artisans of Kozilek

Spells: 7
1x Awakening Zone
1x Mammoth Umbra
1x Heat Ray
1x Harmless Assault
1x Gelatinous Genesis
1x Explosive Revelation
1x Growth Spasm

Land: 18
5x Forest
6x Mountains
7x Plains

I was doing amazing and then my opponent would drop a loldrazi, making me unable to swing and unable to not block and losing permanents like there was no tomorrow. Imagine having to deal with an Ulamog's Crusher and knowing you have a heat ray, but you are slowly losing the mana to be able to cast it, if in fact, you draw it. It comes up 1 turn too late and then BAM, you lose.

Now, Limited has never been my favorite format, and my friends know that I avoid drafts like the plague. But I still have to play in pre-release and release events for the sheer chance of pulling something awesome and winning packs, note, I lose a lot, especially to cards that will never see competitive play:

I mean seriously guys, that's not cool to do after I casted my artisans. That had to be my biggest failure of the night. Casting Gelatinous Genesis for a 9/9, having like 6 other creatures, Artisans of Kozilek, and he tapped me out and attacked me over and over and over. For the game I might add. I LOVE MAGIC!

I didn't even make it to 9th place where pack support was 2 packs.

Congratulations Nico though, on his 1st place 24 packs of Rise of the Eldrazi.

I couldn't even win the Low Role on a 20 sided die for a promo Leatherback Baloth.
I rolled a 4, a freaking 4, and the 9 year old roles a 3...

Fail enough for ya?


  1. Yo on DCI what is your ranking for total? When i lost to you i lost like 11 pts. That's cool that Nicco won.
