Sunday, April 11, 2010

How To Get Your Dreams Crushed: The Magic the Gathering Edition

Now, we all know that Magic is a highly competative game with a plethora of over the top crazy decks that just bash face and make your opponent want to relive their childhood days of being bullied into crying for their mother by something meaner, fatter and more aggressive than they. We also know that anyone can build these decks who have the right amount of cash and access to the Internet [coughcoughanytwelveyearoldwithstupidparentscough]. Thus, competative magic and even the casual Friday Night Magic [FNM] have become enviroments for the E-1337 [yeah right]. This will be a blog about my plight as a Magic the Gathering player. Decks that smash my face, decks that I've played in Top 8 against and wonder why they are not in the losers bracet, nights of epic fail, and all over. Magic the Gathering Misery. I hope you all enjoy this blog of self-punishment by playing the game that just makes you want to shout "I LOVE MAGIC"


  1. Too Bad you weren't at FNM this week so I could've given you an night of epic fail to write about. We had a 26 people and a cut to the top 4. I beat Simon then decided to split 1st/2nd with the azn vampire kid.

  2. Oh Crispy. You will have your fair share of mentions. You and your LOLdrazi Green
